9 Tornado Preparation Tips for Home Owners

safe_image9 Tornado Preparation Tips for Home Owners

Published on HouseLogic.com on September 24, 2012


It’s Prime Tornado Season.  Are You Ready?

While tornadoes can occur in the United States during any month, weather conditions produce a peak season that runs through October. In areas of the country subject to the harshest storms, winds can far exceed those of even the strongest hurricanes, averaging between 110-205 mph.

Try these nine tips from the Hanover Insurance group to get ready:

1) Make an evacuation and communication plan.

2) Create an emergency preparedness kit that has what you need to live in your home for awhile.

3) Have debris removal tools on hand.

4) Create a home inventory.

5) Make sure you’re not over- or underinsured.

6) Create and share contact info.

7) Wait for official notice before returning home.

8) Take photographs and/or video documenting claim damage.

9) Keep an accurate record of any temporary repairs or expenses.

Source: Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.

9 Tornado Preparation Tips for Home Owners

For the full article… Visit “HouseLogic.com” at:  http://www.houselogic.com/news/tornadoes-severe-storms/9-tornado-preparation-tips-home-owners/#ixzz30xARzok7

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