5 Reasons to Buy a Home Now Instead of Spring

Happy-Family-Sold5 Reasons to Buy a Home Now Instead of Spring

by: The KCM Crew on February 4, 2014

Based on prices, mortgage rates and soaring rents, there may have never been a better time in real estate history to purchase a home than right now. Here are five reasons purchasers should consider buying before the spring market arrives:

1. Supply is Shrinking!

2. Price Increases are on the Horizon!

3. Owning a Home Helps Create Family Wealth!

4. Interest Rates are Projected to Rise!

5. Buy Low, Sell High!

Christopher’s forcast… Right now, all of the Stars are still briefly allingned for Home Buyers.  Once the Spring Market begins to build historic & trending data for the Chicagoland MSA and truly prove that we have shifted to a seller’s market, and that prices are appriciating, buyers will quickly give up their marketplace advantages, including buying power.  At that point we will see more multiple offers and buyers loosing out on the properties that they want because they were to slow to react or unwilling to realize that they may have to pay full price, or even over pay to be successful.

For the full article… Visit the “Keeping Current Matters” Blog at:  http://www.keepingcurrentmatters.com/2014/01/28/dont-wait-move-up-to-the-home-you-always-wanted/?inf_contact_key=9bc620cfa869f7c5c763e7f04f568217b2497332c02b8662faffaa936fb6d44f

Visit Christopher Tenggren’s Blog again soon at: http://HomesInTheFoxValley.com/blog

5 Reasons to Buy a Home Now Instead of Spring


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